Monday, March 21, 2011

Contest proposal:

So in an attempt to jump start healthy living-or reward it, we thought that it might be fun to have a family healthy living challenge. The duration would be for the months of April and May. Each player would contribute 5 dollars to the competion. The winner/s would be awarded the total pot at our upcoming family reunion

The Rules:

1 point for all of the following:
30 min exercise (5 days a week)
no sugar, desserts
no carbonation
64 oz. of water
10 min of uplifting reading, or journal writing
morning and evening prayer
no eating 2 hours before bed
4 servings of fruit/veggies
7 hours of sleep

So each week there is a total of 61 points available. 5 exercise points and 1 pt. daily for all the rest.

1 point loss for the following:
each serving of sugars/desserts consumed with a total of -3 possible in a day.

1 bonus point will be awarded each week to each person with the highest weekly point total.